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Infoseite // ARRI: Keine LF-Sensoren mit neuer ALEV 4 Technik am Horizont

Newsmeldung von slashCAM:

Das Y.M. Cinema Magazine berichtet über eine spezielle Aussage von ARRI, dass der neue ALEV 4 Sensor der ALEXA35 Kamera nicht mehr wie sein Vorgänger "gestiched" werden ...

Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung auf den slashCAM Magazin-Seiten:
ARRI: Keine LF-Sensoren mit neuer ALEV 4 Technik am Horizont


Antwort von Paralkar:

"The new ALEV-IV sensor that is in the ALEXA 35 was developed specifically for the Super 35 format and it utilizes a technology where the analog to digital converters actually sit on the sensor board. Previously ARRI always had two boards, a sensor board and a separate board that housed the analog to digital converters. Having the analog to digital converters actually sitting on the sensor board allows ARRI to shorten the high-frequency analog lines which in turn allows you to create a cleaner image with less line noise, and less fixed pattern noise. The caveat to doing this is that you can’t stitch a sensor board like this anymore, which is what ARRI was doing in the past with cameras like the ALEXA 65, ALEXA LF, and Mini LF. So ARRI can’t just stitch this new sensor to create a larger sensor." ... 3_QnTjGEw0


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